Czech restaurants, as the name implies, serve traditional Czech Republic cuisine. The means they are popularly known for their meat, potatoes, soup, pastries, gravies, and root vegetables. The meals are typically consumed more during the summer and are simply delicious. Czech food has different recipes and meals to match every food lover’s taste. Read on to find out about typical Czech food.

What is Czech food?
Czech food is simply beautiful and delicious. Their cuisine is one of the tourist attractions for those visiting the Czech Republic. Their meals have influenced other countries’ meals as well. In Europe, many of their cakes and pastries are inspired by Czech food.
There over 18 traditional Czech dishes that are rich and succulent for all types of food lovers. They offer a wide variety of unique palate flavors that has other countries’ dishes. Czech food ranges from mouthwatering soups, meats, delicious sauces, to pastries.
Where to buy Czech food?
Without a doubt, the number one place to buy Czech food is in The Czech Republic. A lot of food lovers travel to the city to experience their famous meals.
Luckily, for people who can’t travel all the way to experience, there are Czech restaurants in both the United States and the United Kingdom that offer almost all traditional Czech foods. Although they are not available in every city, you can book your preferred Czech food, and get it delivered to your home or office.
What are the typical Czech foods?
Typical traditional Czech food includes sauce, bread/pastries, soup, meat, potatoes, and lots more. Each recipe is quite special and delicious. Here are a few popular Czech meals:
Svíčková na smetaně (Marinated Sirloin)
This meal is consists of braised beef coated with a thick and creamy sauce of carrots and parsley root. Usually, a side of whipped cream and cranberry sauce is added to the dish.
Řízek (Schnitzel)
Schnitzels aren’t quite exclusive to only Czech, both theirs is made uniquely. The meal is made with different kinds of meats covered in breadcrumbs and flour before frying. It is best served with a side of potato salad.
Sekaná pečeně (Baked Mincemeat)
Baked mincemeat is like a meatloaf made with half pork and half beef mince, as well as slices of bacon, garlic, and onion. The meal is more delicious than it sounds. Additional herbs like parsley and marjoram are occasionally added to give its unique taste.
Česnečka (Garlic Soup)
This is a garlic soup made with croutons egg, small pieces of sausage, pork, and others. This meal is typically enjoyed during the winter or very cold seasons.
Guláš (Goulash)
Goulash is a typical pork stew, made with lots of onions and served with slices of dark bread or dumplings. It is also enjoyed most during the winter and one of the simplest Czech dished in any traditional Czech restaurant.
Make your order with our Czech restaurant
Whether it is the delicious soup, meat or mouthwatering cakes and other pastries, you can order them at our Czech restaurant. With a simple order, you can start exploring and enjoying the beauty of Czech food. Make yours today.